Temporary Location of Bolans Police Station at Jolly Harbour

Temporary Location of Bolans Police Station at Jolly Harbour

Temporary Location for the Bolans Police Station at Jolly Harbour

May 16th 2022

Dear Property Owner,
We are excited to announce CDAL's partnership with the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda (RPFAB), regarding a temporary location for the Bolans Police Station.

Since October 2017, the officers attached to Bolans were temporarily relocated to Johnson's Point, to facilitate much needed repairs to the existing facility.

The administration of the RPFAB recently approached CDAL for assistance with a more convenient location in closer proximity to Bolans, Jennings and Bendals, to better serve these communities.

As Jolly Harbour is part of the Bolans community and we do benefit from the assistance of the Police, we felt a sense of responsibility to play our role as true community partners.  Substantial renovations were made to the temporary facility, which is located at the main entrance, and now includes officers' living quarters; a bathroom and kitchenette; an administrative office; and a temporary holding cell.

A brief ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 17th, after which the Police will officially occupy the location.
If you have any questions please contact info@jollyharbourantigua.com.

Kind regards,

Camilla Sukumaran
Operations Manager