Dangerous Dogs on Jolly Beach

Dangerous Dogs on Jolly Beach


Dear Jolly Harbour community,

CDAL has become aware of incidents involving people and dogs being attacked by feral dogs. The dogs have predominantly been spotted on the beach in front of Jolly Beach Resort, near Cocos Resort.
As a means of promoting public safety, we urge you to take precautions. Be alert and monitor your surroundings at all times.
CDAL and various homeowners are in contact with the Dog Registration & Control Authority and related agencies. Unfortunately, we have been unable to resolve this situation to date. 
Please share this message with anyone who may be impacted. Additionally, CDAL security officers are assisting with monitoring the situation and warning people in the area. 
Donations to the Dog Registration & Control Authority may be made at CDAL’s office in the Commercial Centre. (Drop box is available for donations made after hours).  Dog Registration & Control Authority is available on 764 5070 or 464 3326.

Kind regards,
Camilla Sukumaran
Operations Manager