Adhering to Guidelines in Jolly Harbour Community

Adhering to Guidelines in Jolly Harbour Community



TO:                  Returning residents, tourists, visitors and recently travelled
FROM:            Management, CDAL
DATE:             October 22, 2020


CDAL has observed an increased number of recently travelled residents and tourist in and around the Jolly Harbour Community.

Please note that the global pandemic is still ongoing and CDAL would like to advise that full compliance with the COVID-19 protocols is always required.  This is to ensure the protection of the health and safety of all staff, residents, and anyone who navigates in and out of Jolly Harbour daily.

We are respectfully asking that anyone who has recently travelled back to Antigua to please adhere to the Government’s quarantine/isolation period.

Exercise personal responsibility and consideration and refrain from coming to the office.
Visit the office only after you would have completed the required quarantine period mandated by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.
Masks are mandatory and are to be worn on entrance into the office.
If at any time it is discovered that quarantine periods have been violated and staff or residents have been exposed and put at risk, CDAL will inform the Ministry of Health.
If you wish to settle your accounts, please pay online or via credit card.  If that is not possible, kindly wait until your quarantine period is over before coming in person to make a payment. 
If you have inquiries for the CDAL admin office, please send an email to  [email protected] or call the office at 268 462 3085 and the admin staff will be more than willing to assist you.

For additional information in relations to COVID-19, you can visit the government of Antigua & Barbuda website 

Click on the site and then click on the COVID-19 information section.
This will direct you to all information in regards to the pandemic inclusive of updated travel advisories to Antigua & Barbuda.

Let us continue to do our part to protect the health and safety of everyone.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.