14 Feb Please Complete the Following Survey.
Dear Jolly Harbour Property Owner, The JHHA is conducting a survey of all property owners to assess property owner opinion regarding property priorities and structure of the newly formed Jolly Harbour Property Owners Association (JHPOA) non-profit entity. We would greatly appreciate your input as it will be of help in drafting useful by-laws and establishing priorities. You do not need to be a member of JHHA to complete this survey. Survey individual responses are sent to JHHA Executive ONLY (not CDAL). Results will be presented anonymously and/or in aggregate. To begin the survey, copy and paste the link below into your web browser. www.surveymonkey.com/r/X3RQHCV Be sure to click “OK” – it will then take you to the rest of the survey. Time to complete should be between 5-8 minutes. (If you have already completed the survey, please disregard this notice.) Thank you in advance for your participation – If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Marie Ross President What’s App: 44 7407 367 502 |